Contact Me
IT Entrepreneur
My life and career were likely shaped back in 1996 when I spent days with my classmate over his ZX Spectrum and asked my father to buy me a PC equipped with Windows 95. Then, after graduating from a prestigious university with a degree in Computer Science in 2007, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey.
Over the years, I've been building my core business at the intersection of software development and tech recruitment. This experience has also yielded a valuable byproduct - an extensive network of connections on social media.
Beyond my professional life, I am fortunate to share my world with a wonderful wife and three kids. Also, I am an avid squash player.
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Open to
- 📝 Starting a new project
- 👨🏻💻 Consulting on tech talent recruitment
- 🧠 Brainstorming business ideas
- 📢 Shoutout on my social media
- 🎙️ Performing at events
- ☕ Coffee meeting
Projects I own, manage or support
- EchoGlobal Agency
- The Human Factor Newsletter
- GrowthMentor Community
- SquashChamps Listings